After installing the window seat, I realized that this room REALLY needs to be painted. So... We painted.
This is the color that makes me want to dry hump my walls. Seriously... I can't imagine a more perfect color, and I wish I'd have found this before making the blue mistake in my living room. It's Benjamin Moore's "Revere Pewter". In my kitchen, it looks beige at times... but mostly grey! In my den, however, it is a true grey and I haven't seen it look anything BUT grey. It's just a sexy wall color. *sigh* I heart it. Anyhow, this is still the play room... and grey walls don't exactly say "Hey! I'm a fun room! Come play in me!" - so I made them a little more fun :-)

The stripes were really easy and difficultly tedious at the same time. I was over them after I'd measured everything off. But they're done, so if you don't think you can do stripes, THINK AGAIN! Because I'm psychotically impatient (should I mistype "inpatient" for a little more stupid Gina-humor? :-p).. And I still managed.
Oh! Let me show you some more photos, since I took them!
absolutely disgusting!

This room looked SO small after I took everything out! And can you believe those dusty baseboards? GROSS!

And I wasn't too thrilled to have toys strewn about the entire house.

But eventually, everything got dusted and put away.
I hate when people say something "pops" - but it does. This system looks absolutely gorgeous against the grey wall. Oh.. my computer's back, by the way.
Anyhow, I'm working on a window seat cushion right now, so let's check somethin' off that li'l ole to-do list...
*Make seat cushion in progress
*Build table
*Build additional seats
*Buy accent pillows
*Paint room
*Build table
*Build additional seats
*Buy accent pillows
love the little buckets!!