I built it! Based on amazing plans over at The Design Confidential. I've got a few projects based on TDC plans that I need to put some finishing touches on STAT, since she's running a contest that's ending SOON for a $100 gift card to either Lowe's or Home Depot. I would LOVE that!!! Then I could paint my living room!
This particular plan was altered a tad, since I needed to go cheap (or free, actually). I used scrap 1x3s when the plans called for 2x3s (so i just had to alter the lengths of the stretchers to accommodate). And I used 1/4'' ply for the top, because I had it left over. I just added a support beam under the top so it didn't buckle. The paint was picked up in the OOOPS bin at Lowe's (GORGEOUS, no?!)... So there's my free take on a $20 plan.
That'll be my project for today. FINISH THINGS! I realized after doing the "tutorial" yesterday (if you could even call it that), that I don't LIKE doing tutorials, and it's hard! So if you find one that explains every step in great detail, appreciate all the work that went into that! It's definitely not as easy as it seems.
this looks amazing! i just love oops paint, and i think the 1x3's worked out just beautifully. i love that you gals customize and i think it makes the projects even more amazing like a collaboration! yahoo...